Saturday, December 7, 2013

Week 8, Term 4

This week we were reminding ourselves all about the letter 'f'. We made some paper frogs and decided to have a race for fun. We tried flapping a magazine to get them hopping....some were more successful than others!

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Over the last week we have been looking at geometry during maths time. We went on a little walk about the school to see what shapes we could find. Shapes are absolutely everywhere!

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Well as the year draws to a close I think we have many things to pat ourselves on the back about! What a wonderful year we have had in Renwick 3. It has been my absolute pleasure to watch the children grow and develop in so many ways.
We have had 4 exceptional new entrant children start this term. I have been so impressed in the way they have quickly settled into school life. At the same time I feel extremely proud of the way in which the ‘oldies’ have assisted and supported them to adjust.
Our reading programme has finished for the year but the children will be bringing home a Christmas poem for reading each night. Therefore it is important they return their poetry book each day. I encourage you to maintain your child’s reading over the summer break. Keep it fun and easy with lots of praise. If you are not already a member of the town library now is the time to join.
Over the next week I will be sending home books and art work.
Next week we will be swimming on Monday, Tuesday and Friday.
Have a happy and safe week!

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