Saturday, October 19, 2013

Week 1, Term 4

Well what a busy start to Term 4! We worked hard all week in preparation for the annual Nelson Masked Parade. We looked fabulous in our masks and costumes.
A big thank you to all the parents that helped us put it all together.
Neroli was so very proud of us on the night. We waited very patiently in the car park until it was our turn to start walking. We sang and danced our way through the streets of Nelson.

On Wednesday we had a cricket coaching skills session with Daniel. We played some games hitting and running after the ball. It was quite tricky and some of us had butterflies in our tummies but in true Renwick 3 style we just had a go. We actually really enjoyed ourselves having lots of laughs and giggles!

Next week....

Our printing letters will be y/b.
Our tricky words will be two/their.
During maths we will be looking at patterns with and within 5 or 10.
Thank you for all the boxes and items donated for Discovery Time. Keep them coming as the children are 'eating' them up. I am sure you can tell by your child's enthusiasm that Discovery Time on Friday is going extremely well. For me it is incredibly rewarding to observe the children's creativity, perseverance and social skills developing as they take direct their own learning. The problem solving and negotiation that takes place is quite something!
As the weather is heating up please help your child to remember their sunhat. Wide brimmed hats must be worn in Term 4. A no hat no play rule is in place.
Have a happy and safe week!

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