Friday, August 23, 2013

Week 4 Term 3

As part of our 3-D art this term we decided to use collage to create a 'Healthy Hamburger'.

During maths this week some of us were learning our numbers all the way up to 100! When we had finished our tasks we thought it would be fun to make our own Snakes and Ladders using the 100's boards.

This week during Discovery Time we enjoyed constructing and making creations out of recycled items. Our focus for the session was to use our creative thinking. We explored different ways of doing things without getting upset. We all couldn't use the same box so we had to adapt our ideas. Some of us even decided to use the construction resources for an impromptu percussion performance! We made factories, supermarkets (with hand crafted money!) and cars. Throughout the session we were inclusive of each other, asked nicely to join in games and gave lots of positive compliments to our friends.

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Next week....
Our sounds will be tr/dr.
Our tricky words will be do/live.
During maths we will be looking at fractions.
Please remember Friday is our library day. Books need to be returned before a new one can be issued.
Have a happy and safe week!

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