Friday, July 5, 2013

Week 9, Term 3

We have been looking at the short 'o' vowel sound this week we decided to make some popcorn for our afternoon tea. As the popcorn was flowing out of the popcorn maker Tyler thought it looked like volcano with popcorn lava! We thought that was a fantastic description!

This week we have had lots of fun starting our maths topic...Measurement.
We have been using our hands and the length of our bodies to measure things around our class room.

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We have got champions not only inside Renwick 3 but also outside!! Take a look at these fine athletes.
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Next week....

Our sound will be short vowel 'u'.
Our tricky words will be walk and want.
During maths we will be looking at weight and capacity.
Caroline will be teaching in Renwick 3 on Monday as I have a class room release day.
Well done to everyone for a very successful Term 2! Have a happy and safe holiday.

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