Saturday, February 16, 2013

Week 3, Term 1

This week during I.C.T. we were learning how to use the class camera. Tania took us outside in groups of three to search for good shady places to play during the summer. We went to the sandpit and we found lots of great trees to play under.
We practised placing the lanyard around our neck, turning the camera on, holding it very still with our hands positioned correctly, lining up our shot and holding our finger down firmly to take a great photo of our friends playing in the shade.

On Thursday we had our first class trip to the Museum. We had a fabulous time learning all about the Powelliphanta snail and their predators. We found out that there are lots of different animals that like to eat these snails such as, rats, possums, wild pigs and wekas. We made Neroli so, so proud with our outstanding behaviour and manners.

 Next week...

Our sounds will be p/n & l/f.
Our tricky words are my/we or me/no.
During maths we will be working on number knowledge.
We will be having some trainee teachers from University of Canterbury observing in our class on Wednesday and on Thursday we will be hosting some government officials from South East Asia.
On Monday week (25th February) we will be having our annual Summer B.Y.O. Picnic for family and friends from 5.30 - 7pm. It is sure to be a fun night for all!
Have a happy and safe week!

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