Sunday, February 24, 2013

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Week 4, Term 1


We are lucky to have a swim most days at school. All of the Renwick 3 champions are able to put their heads under the water and blow bubbles! Some of us are learning to float like a starfish.
Pirate Fun!
On Friday we had some Pirate Fun. We were learning about the 'p' sound and read a funny pirate book.  We made hats, telescopes and maps. Our pirate ships look very similar to our desks!!

 Some children were lucky enough to find treasure to store away on their ships!

Next week...

Our sounds will be c/k or b/ai.
Our tricky words will be for/see or said/down.
During maths our class focus is counting backwards.
We aim to start our new Inquiry topic 'Is it an animal?' We will begin identifying the difference between living and non living things. Our focus will be on animals and their groupings. We will really be ale to get our teeth into this topic when swimming has finished for the year.
On Monday evening we will be having our Family Picnic night. This will be on the front field starting at 5.30pm.
Friday is our library day. Please help your child to return their book so that they are able to have a new one issued.
In Renwick 3 we are consistently working on our social skills and how to be a good friend. This week I have asked the children to be mindful of the nice things they are doing for their friends so that we can learn and share from each other. It is very heart warming to observe the children caring and looking out for each other.

Thank you for your support.

Have a happy and safe week!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Week 3, Term 1

This week during I.C.T. we were learning how to use the class camera. Tania took us outside in groups of three to search for good shady places to play during the summer. We went to the sandpit and we found lots of great trees to play under.
We practised placing the lanyard around our neck, turning the camera on, holding it very still with our hands positioned correctly, lining up our shot and holding our finger down firmly to take a great photo of our friends playing in the shade.

On Thursday we had our first class trip to the Museum. We had a fabulous time learning all about the Powelliphanta snail and their predators. We found out that there are lots of different animals that like to eat these snails such as, rats, possums, wild pigs and wekas. We made Neroli so, so proud with our outstanding behaviour and manners.

 Next week...

Our sounds will be p/n & l/f.
Our tricky words are my/we or me/no.
During maths we will be working on number knowledge.
We will be having some trainee teachers from University of Canterbury observing in our class on Wednesday and on Thursday we will be hosting some government officials from South East Asia.
On Monday week (25th February) we will be having our annual Summer B.Y.O. Picnic for family and friends from 5.30 - 7pm. It is sure to be a fun night for all!
Have a happy and safe week!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Week 2, Term 1

I.C.T. Time!
Each Tuesday afternoon it is our I.C.T. time with Tania.
During the year we will learn a number of new skills and discover heaps of websites to help us with our learning. We had our first visit this week!
It has been a bit of a funny week with days off here and there! Next week will be our first whole week of school and here is some of what is happening....
Our sounds will be t & i or o & u.
Our words will be to & the or here & go.
During maths we will be working on numbers with and within 5.
We will be swimming on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Thank you for helping your child remember their togs. Swimming is an important part of the curriculum.
On Thursday we have our first class visit to the Museum. We are going to view an exhibition called ‘Save Our Snails’, which is about the sustainability of the Powelliphanta population. We will leave school at 10.40 am and return about 12.30pm. To enable this trip to happen I will require some parent helpers to walk with us and to supervise small groups at the museum. Thank you to those parents and families who have offered to help.
Friday is our library day. Your child needs to remember to bring back their book each week in order to get a new one.
This Monday 11th February at 7pm the Kowhai Syndicate will be having a 'Meet the Teacher' evening. This is an opportunity for you to become familiar with the Renwick 3 programme and to ask any questions you may have. I look forward to seeing you there. If you are unable to make it and have any concerns or questions please feel free to pop into the class either before or after school to see me.

Have a happy and safe week!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

What a fantastic start we have had to 2013!
A warm welcome back to all the returning families and a special welcome to those who are new to the Kowhai Syndicate.

This week we spent some time getting to know each other. We have all ready demonstrated our fabulous manners and social skills when we were learning some new maths games.

On Friday we got our hands very messy! We were discovering our primary colours, which are red, yellow and blue. We sang a very catchy song to help us remember the colours. It goes to the tune of Three Blind Mice and goes like this.....

Red, Yellow, Blue
Red, Yellow, Blue
I can see you
Red, Yellow, Blue
You are the primary colours
You make the other colours
I wish I was a colour
like Red, Yellow, Blue!

We started off making hand prints using primary colours but made some awesome discoveries when we couldn't resist the temptation of rubbing our hands together!



 We had such a lot of fun!

Next week....

We are hoping that the pool will be up and running next week. Please remember your togs. We swim on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
During literacy time we will continue to do some revision. The books that your children are bringing home you  may have seen before. I will explain the literacy programme more in length at that 'Meet the Teacher' night, which is Monday the 11th at 7pm.
Our sounds next week will be a or g and our tricky words will be I or come.
During maths time we will be working on number knowledge, numbers 1-20.
Our topic is Sun Sense and we will be talking about keeping ourselves safe in the sun.
Friday is our library day.  Kindly ensure your child returns their library book each week in order to get a new one as only one book can be issued at a time.
Well done for a fabulous start to school for 2013.
I am really looking forward to meeting you at Meet the Teacher next Monday night. If you are unable to make it and have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to come and see me.
Have a happy and safe week!